Hakemus opiskelijaedustajaksi – Student representative application – Ansökningsblankett för att bli studentrepresentant

The student representative positions of the University of the Arts Student Union are applied for by filling in the form below. Please read the instructions before filling the form.

  • Applications are discussed by the Student Union Board. The Secretary General anonymises applications for the Board’s decision-making. Personal data such as name, age, gender or nationality will be anonymised from the application.
  • As the election of student representatives is one of the Student Union's statutory public duties, applications are public documents. This means that we will give the application upon request, but we will not publish it anywhere. Therefore, please do not fill in sensitive information, such as information about your health or other personal data, in the application. TaiYo's description of document publicity is available here (link).
  • In order for us to verify that the application comes from a real person, you must first log in to the form with your uniarts account. After that, you no longer need to fill in your name on the form. If you are already logged in with your uniarts credentials, e.g. to your email, the form will automatically identify you and no new login is required.
  • Questions 3-5 on the form will help you tell the right things about yourself, but you do not have to divide your application according to them or to answer all the questions - you can also apply for a position with one slightly longer or even shorter text. Please check the information on the position you are applying for at https://taiyo.fi/en/avoimet-luottamuspaikat/If you have any questions about the application process or the position you are applying for, you can contact TaiYo’s Secretary General (taiyo-paasihteeri@uniarts.fi, tel. +358 40 710 4296).
  • Data protection: The information on the form is only used for purposes related to the election of student representatives and is processed in accordance with the Student Union's privacy policy (link) mukaisesti.

Linkki hakemukseen: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=r_2RbbArHUO4kGTBSGlLrPrA2cagVZpPkUxPpXG1MZxUM1VFVUlET1daRENIT0hXU0paMzhWUElXUiQlQCN0PWcu