Student representatives wanted

Decisions on matters concerning the University of the Arts and its academies are made by various official bodies, such as the University Collegium, Academy boards and various working groups. All of these have student representation, and the student representatives are elected by the Student Union on the basis of electronic applications. In addition, there are student members, for example, in every recruitment group for a new lecturer or professor.

Below you will find the official call for applications for all currently open student representative positions in the Uniarts administration. The required language skills are mentioned separately for each position. More information about the work of a student representative can be found on the page Student representatives in university administration!

Link to the application form: 


Free positions

  • Deputy member in the University collegium (fi/sv/en)
  • Academy of Fine Arts Board (fi/sv/en)
  • Committee for Artistic Activities of the Academy of Fine Arts (only in Finnish)
  • SibA: kulttuurisen musiikintutkimuksen professorin rekrytointiryhmä (fi)
  • Theater Academy Education Council, 2 deputy members (fi/sv/en)


Task-specific descriptions


Deputy member in the university collegium

The University of the Arts Student Union is looking for one deputy member to the University Collegium of Uniarts. The University Collegium is, in practice, the highest decision-making body of the University of the Arts Helsinki. Among other things, it decides on the number of members, the length of the term and the remuneration of the university board, chooses the so-called stakeholder members of the board, appoints financial auditors, approves financial statements and the annual report and decides on freeing the rector and board members from liability for the financial accounts. The University Collegium consists of 18 members, six of whom represent professors, six other personnel and six students, and it usually meets five or six times a year. The student members of the Collegium receive a meeting fee of €40 per meeting.

The positions of student members in the University Collegium can be applied for by all present degree students of Uniarts Helsinki who are not considered part of personnel at the university elections. The Collegium should, as far as possible, have the same amount of student members from each academy. Therefore the students of the Theatre Academy are now given priority. If necessary, the positions can also be filled in other ways. In practice, it would be beneficial for student members of the Collegium to have some previous experience of being student representatives in university administration or student advocacy, but most important are enthusiasm and motivation for the task.

You can apply by filling in this electronic form tiistaihin 7.5. klo 15 mennessä. For more information on the call for applications and the operations of the collegium, please contact Secretary General Lauri Grünthal (, tel. +358 40 710 4296).


Academy of Fine Arts Board

The University of the Arts Student Union is looking for one student member to join the Board of the Academy of Fine Arts. The Board has a total of three student members, one position of which is now open. The task of the Board is to manage the activities of the Academy together with the Dean.

The student members receive a meeting fee (at least €25 per meeting) for performing the task. The position of student member in the Academy board can be applied for by all registered degree students of Fine Arts Academy. It is also possible to apply and participate the board work in English.

You can apply by filling in this electronic form tiistaihin 7.5. klo 15 mennessä. For more information on the call for applications and the operations of the board, please contact Secretary General Lauri Grünthal (, tel. +358 40 710 4296).


Committee for Artistic Activities of the Academy of Fine Arts (only in Finnish)

Unfortunately this position requires fluent Finnish skills

Jaoston opiskelijajäseneksi voivat hakea kaikki Kuvataideakatemian opiskelijat. Opiskelijajäsenelle maksetaan kokouspalkkiota vähintään 25 € /kokous riippuen kokouksen kestosta.

You can apply by filling in this electronic form tiistaihin 7.5. klo 15 mennessä. For more information on the call for applications and the operations of the board, please contact Secretary General Lauri Grünthal (, tel. +358 40 710 4296).


Sibelius-Akatemian kulttuurisen musiikintutkimuksen professorin rekrytointiryhmä

Taideyliopiston ylioppilaskunta hakee opiskelijajäsentä Sibelius-Akatemian kulttuurisen musiikintutkimuksen professorin rekrytointiryhmään. Rekrytointiryhmän tehtävänä on valmistella ja toteuttaa tehtävän rekrytointiprosessi ja tehdä esitys tehtävään valittavasta henkilöstä. 

Rekrytointiryhmän opiskelijajäseneksi voivat hakea kaikki Sibelius-Akatemian opiskelijat, etusijalla ovat Seinäjoen yksikön opiskelijat. Rekrytointiryhmä toimii suomeksi.

Opiskelijajäsenelle maksetaan rekrytointiryhmässä toimimisesta 300 € kertakorvaus. Tehtävää haetaan in this electronic form tiistaihin 7.5. klo 15 mennessä. Lisätietoja hausta ja rekrytointiryhmien toiminnasta antaa pääsihteeri Lauri Grünthal (taiyo-paasihteeri, puh. 040 710 4296).


Theatre Academy Education Council

The University of the Arts student union is looking for two deputy members to the education council of the Theater Academy. The education council has two student members, one of which is still open. The council is responsible for quality assurance of education and presentation activities. It deals with fundamentally important issues and plans regarding education, studying and teaching. 

Student members are paid a meeting fee of € 25 per meeting. All degree students of the Theater Academy can apply for the position. The documents processed by the council are mainly in Finnish, as the administrative language of the university is Finnish.

You can apply by filling in this electronic form tiistaihin 7.5. klo 15 mennessä. For more information on the call for applications and the operations of the council, please contact Secretary General Lauri Grünthal (, tel. +358 40 710 4296).




Toistaiseksi täyttämättömiä paikkoja

Jos toistaiseksi täyttämättä olevat paikat kiinnostavat, niitä voi hakea täyttämällä sähköisen lomakkeen. Lisätietoja varten voit ottaa yhteyttä pääsihteeri Lauri Grünthaliin (taiyo-paasihteeri (ät), 040 710 4296).

  • Vilho ja Lahja Koposen säätiö, 1 varsinainen jäsen ja 2 varajäsentä

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