
The Foundation for Student Housing in the Helsinki Region (Hoas)

Hoasilla on vuokra-asuntoja ympäri pääkaupunkiseutua. Valtaosa asunnoista on 2-3 huoneen ja keittiön/keittokomeron huoneistoja, jotka soveltuvat sekä perheellisille opiskelijoille että ns. soluasunnoksi toisen opiskelijan kanssa jaettavaksi. Huoneen vuokra on n. 250–450 €/kk ja yksiön tai kaksion 450–850 €/kk asunnon iän ja varustetason mukaan. Hoasilta on mahdollista hakea myös kämppisasuntoa tai perheasuntoa. Hoasin nettisivuilla toimii myös kirpputori (kohdassa Asumisopas), jossa julkaistaan ilmoituksia myytävistä kalusteista. Lisätietoja: www.hoas.fi

Student Nations

Student Nations have a wide range of reasonably priced student apartments in the Helsinki region. In order to apply for Student Nation housing, you must join a Student Nation. More information: www.osakunta.fi/osakunnat


Clavis is a hall of residence for Sibelius Academy students located in Etelä-Haaga, Helsinki. You may apply to Clavis as soon as you have been accepted as a student at the Sibelius Academy. There is a total of 105 apartments in Clavis, a few of which are vacated every year. The apartments are small studios (18 m2 and 23 m2 in size). In every room, there is an en-suite bathroom, shower, mini-size kitchen and internet connection. In the building, there is a sauna, a laundry room, practice rooms, a common room and a great hall. More information is available at www.clavishouse.fi

Other options

Some banks, insurance companies and foundations also have student apartments or halls of residence, and often these have more reasonable rents than free-market apartments. Students are also eligible to apply for city-owned rental apartments. Information on city-owned rental apartments in the Helsinki metropolitan area is available at the following addresses: www.hel.fi/kv/stadinasunnot-fi, www.espoonasunnot.fi and www.vav.fi .

A right-of-occupancy apartment is also one option for your own crib. In addition to the monthly usage fee, 10–15% of the price of the apartment is paid as a right-of-occupancy fee when moving in, which allows you to obtain a permanent right of residence. The right-of-occupancy fee is refunded when moving out. Every locality has its own right-of-occupancy housing queue, just ask for it!

Free market housing can be looked for online from various housing sites (see links below) and social media; there are e.g. several groups on Facebook that share information about vacant rental apartments and rooms in shared flats. It is also worth following the ads in newspapers (both Helsingin Sanomat and local newspapers), and good old bulletin boards can also be a noteworthy forum. You should also take advantage of your network and let people know of your intentions: the more friends or relatives know about your situation, the more can help!

Useful links

Remember the notification of a change of address

When you permanently relocate to a new place, you must file a notification of change of address to make sure that your mail reaches you and that your Population Register information is up-to-date. Once you have filed the notice, your new address information will be automatically directed to various officials, such as Kela and the tax administration. The easiest way to file the notice is online at https://www.posti.fi/changeaddress/but you can also go to a post office or to the Register Office and fill in the notice in paper form.

NB! Postiin tehdyt muuttoilmoitustiedot eivät välity Taideyliopiston opiskelijarekisteriin, joten huolehdithan että osoitetietosi ovat sielläkin ajan tasalla. 


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