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Student mental health day 2021

Opiskelijoiden mielenterveyspäivä 22.4. #AvunArvoinen.

This year, the Students’ Mental Health Day will be Thursday 22 April, and the campaign will run from 12 to 23 April 2021. Students’ Mental Health Day is a nationwide campaign which aims to provoke conversations about current and important themes related to students’ mental health. The purpose is also to highlight matters and activities that can promote mental wellbeing in study communities. The theme this year is communality and right for help. You can find more information about the campaign from Nyyti ry’s website.

The Student Union of the University of Arts will participate in the campaign on social media and with remote events. You can follow the campaign on the student union’s social media (@taiyoartsu) and contribute to the Community Wall on padlet:

Community Wall

What does this moment look like in the University of Arts student community? Contribute your perspective to the Community Wall on padlet.

The purpose of the Community Wall is to give a place to and record observations, snippets, reflections and feelings of this current moment in time in our community. You can add written text, video, audio, hyperlinks, drawing and like, respond and comment other people’s posts. Padlet works well on a mobile browser, it does not require signing up and you can post and comment anonymously. You can find the Community Wall here:

The wall is open for contributions between 12 and 25 of April.


Friday 16 April to Sunday 18 April: Remote Excursion

Go on an excursion with all your senses this weekend! You can choose the specific time and duration of your excursion yourself. You can go to a park, the forest, the beach, under a table or a corner of the room to name a few options. Choose a comfortable spot and focus on each of your senses one at a time according to the instructions below.

Where did you go? What did you see? What did you feel? What kind of observations did you make? You can share your experiences in writing, drawing or a photo on the Community Wall on padlet. You can also read and interact with other people’s experiences. Link to the Community Wall:

You can go on the excursion by yourself or with someone. Please take into consideration the current corona instructions when choosing the location and possible company for your excursion.

tiistai 20.4. klo 8.30–9.30 : Cup O’Clock

Nappaa lempparimukisi, täytä se valitsemallasi juomalla, ota mukava asento ja tule mukaan aamun Cup O’Clock -hetkeen tiistaina 20. huhtikuuta 8.30–9.30. Voit tulla mukaan missä vaiheessa tahansa, käydä pikaisesti tai hengata pidempään.

Share the story of your favorite cup! Or maybe another cup, coffee, tea related story? You are free to chat, share or just sit in silence and enjoy your cup of choice. The space exists for you so you are free to come and go as you please. We would love to see you there.

We encourage you to have your camera on but it is not required. Cup O’Clock is held flexibly in English, Finnish and Swedish.

Join us through the link:

Torstai 22.4. klo 14–15: Kuulunko? – Keskustelua yhteisöstä ja yhteisöllisyydestä

Mitä yhteisöllisyys on? Miltä se tuntuu? Miten voin itse olla luomassa yhteisöllisyyttä? Millainen on hyvä yhteisö ja miten Taideyliopistoyhteisöä voisi kehittää entistäkin yhteisöllisemmäksi? 

Tervetuloa keskustelemaan yhteisöstä, yhteisöllisyydestä ja niiden merkityksestä rennoissa merkeissä! Toinen Opiskelijoiden mielenterveyspäivän teemoista on tänä vuonna osallisuus. Korona on vaikuttanut osallisuuden ja yhteisöllisyyden kokemuksiin ja lisännyt yksinäisyyttä. Kuinka yhteisöllisyyttä voisi ylläpitää ja kasvattaa etänä? Entä millaista yhteisöllisyyttä toivotaan etäajan jälkeen?

Keskustelua fasilitoimassa Taideyliopiston ylioppilaskunnan yhteisökoordinaattori Jane Kärnä, opintopsykologi Outi Rämö ja yliopistopappi Hanna Similä. Voit osallistua tapahtumaan keskustelemalla tai kuuntelemalla, joustavasti suomeksi tai englanniksi. Voit osallistua koko tapahtuman ajan tai tulla hetkeksi käymään. 

MITÄ: Kuulunko? – keskustelua yhteisöstä ja yhteisöllisyydestä
MILLOIN: torstaina 22.4. Klo 14–15
MISSÄ: Zoomissa,


‘Kuulunko’ in Finnish can be translated either “can you hear me?”, a question often asked during these zoom-saturated times, or “do I belong” a question that might pop into one’s mind in different situations and communities. 

What makes a community and what is communality or sense of community? How do they make you feel? How could I be part of creating communality and belonging? What is a good community like and how could we make the University of Arts community even better and more communal?

Come spend a chill latelunch/afternoon break and chat about community, communality, belonging and sense of community and their significance. One of the themes for this year’s Students’ Mental Health Day is communality. The conditions the on-going pandemic has caused have had a negative effect on communality and sense of community and have increased loneliness. How could the sense of community be upheld or even increased remotely? What should the community be like after the pandemic?

The chat is facilitated by Jane Kärnä, the Community Coordinator for the University of Arts Student Union, Study Psychologist Outi Rämö and University Chaplain Hanna Similä. You can participate in the discussion or just listening, flexibly in both Finnish and English. You can come for the whole hour or just drop by for a shorter period of time. 

WHAT: Discussion about community and communality
WHEN: Thursday 22 April from 2 to 3 PM
WHERE: On Zoom:

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